1. The Awards For Excellence is open only to members of the Advanced Textiles Association New Zealand (Formerly OFPANZ)
2. Members may nominate the category they would like their project to be placed in, however, the judging panel reserves the right to place entries in another category if appropriate.
3. Members may enter more than one project, however, each project shall be entered only once in any one category.
4. Members may not enter more than 3 projects in any one category.
5. Entries become property of Advanced Textiles Association New Zealand and will be displayed at the annual ATA NZ Conference.
6. All digital images and videos of projects entered in the Awards for Excellence become property of ATA NZ and will not be returned to entrants. If your photo is copyrighted, you must include a letter of permission allowing ATA NZ to display and use the image and required photo credit information.
7. The entry is to be submitted by the person/company who was the instigator of the project or the principal contractor who received payment for the project. Alternatively joint entries are accepted, where the entry is not instigated by the principal contractor, provided the entry is submitted in conjunction with a fabricator member of ATA NZ.
8. If more than one company submits photos of the same project, the company that holds the contract to the project will be the recognised entrant. Others will be viewed as subcontractors.
9. All joint participants in an entry must be acknowledged.
10. Each project entered must have been completed within 1st April 2023 to 30 April 2025
11. Winner photos and information will be published in the Cutting Edge Newsletter and used in promotional material.
12. ATA NZ assumes no responsibility for output quality of entry. All photographs submitted will become the property of ATA NZ.
13. Special Commendation Certificates may be awarded to outstanding entries other than winning entries.
14. The judging panel may decide not to grant an award in a category where they deem entries not to be of a standard worthy of an Award for Excellence.
15. Members of the Executive shall be permitted to enter projects in the Annual Awards for Excellence whilst serving on the Executive however, must withdraw from the entire judging process should they be on the judging panel for the year(s) in which they submit an entry.
16. The judges’ decision is final and no further correspondence will be entered into.