The annual conference is the only trade show for NZ Industrial Textiles and Equipment Suppliers to be in one place at one time. It is a great platform to establish new business relationships and share information Every year the conference is in a new location, giving our members a chance for our members to see the country, our people and national business opportunities.

Our last conference was held in Tauranga at the Trinity Wharf where we were able to celebrate 35 years of the association. The members voted at the Annual General Meeting to change our name to the Advanced Textiles Association NZ.  The speakers we had were phenomenal and created a buzz for the delegates.

Our 2024 Conference and Trade Show will be held in Christchurch 19-21st June at Rydges Latimer.

We are trying a new format to the conference and hope it works for you and your business. There will be plenty of networking opportunities as well as learning and celebrating our industry.

The primary aim of the Conference and Trade Show is to provide all conference delegates with an experience that enhances and inspires their work in the advanced textiles industry.

Let’s come together and celebrate as we host our first trade show and conference as the Advanced Textiles Association – New Zealand. Registrations will be open soon. We look forward to seeing you there.


We couldn’t have our conference without our sponsors. We would like to say a huge thank you to the sponsors who have dedicated themselves year after year to support our industry and our conference.

Click here if you are interested in sponsoring or exhibiting at the 2024 conference.

Conference Programme

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD A CONFERENCE PROGRAMME. Here are a few highlights of what will be happening:

  • Wednesday 19th June – we will kick the afternoon off with our Annual General Meeting followed by our keynote Speaker Kevin Biggar.  The trade show will be open in the late afternoon. We will welcome everyone to the conference that evening at Rydges Latimer
  • Thursday 20th June  Don’t get up too early as our first session won’t start until 9:00am on Thursday. The trade show will be open after that through until mid afternoon. We will have more sessions after lunch followed by an evening dinner and drinks at a funky restaurant. Transport will be provided, but if you feel like stretching the legs, it is a short walk.
  • Friday 21st June  Today we will have marine and auto trimmers soaking up knowledge. They will be doing a project and going through the trade show in the morning. The morning also brings our tradies morning tea. If you are local, send your staff down for a little feed and a look around. You never know what you might find.


Rydges Latimer

Call Rydges Latimer on +64 3 379 6760 or Freecall 0800 176 176 to book. Let them know you are with the conference.

Rooms range between $205-$225 per night

Awards for Excellence

Awards for Excellence winners will be announced at the Gala dinner at the Transitional Cathedral on 21st June 2024 from 6:30pm.

2024 ATA NZ Apprentice of the Year Awards

Entry for the 2024 Apprentice of the Year has closed.  We look forward to announcing the winners at our Awards dinner on 21st June.

Past Awards for Excellence Winners

2023 Awards for Excellence winners
2022  Awards for Excellence winners.
2021  Awards for Excellence winners.

2024 Sponsors