- 11 Nov 2021
Only 5 months since our 2021 conference and yet it seems like a lifetime ago. With all of the border closures and lockdowns the OFPANZ executive, after consultation with members, has made the decision to not have our conference in Australia in 2022. We will eventually make it over to combine our conferences with the Specialised Textiles Association, however we wanted to have a small bit of certainty that our conference could go ahead.
We are excited to announce that the 2022 conference will be held in Nelson at the Rutherford Hotel. We have started our lineup of speakers and events with some very slight changes to our usual programme. This years’ theme is “Turning Ordinary into Extraordinary.”
The feedback after our fabricators workshop this year was positive so we will bring another fabricators workshop to Nelson starting on the 30th of June. This workshop will include breakout sessions, hands on tools opportunities and a chance to network with other fabricators.
Thursday night we will have a welcome function to bring the entire industry together. This will be walking distance from the hotel so you are able to head home when it suits you.
We will have the trade show open all day Friday with a slight break in the afternoon for our Keynote Speaker. At the end of the day we will go to a unique location in Nelson for Dinner and drinks and a bit of fun.
Saturday will be a day for learning – both about industry tools and products as well as business tools to help you make your business Extraordinary.
We will follow the guidelines of the Covid-19 Protection Framework set out by the government.
We look forward to seeing you all in sunny Nelson next year.