• 31 Mar 2020

2020 OFPANZ Conference Postponed

Due to the rapidly changing circumstances surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19), the recent travel restrictions and the New  Zealand Government’s recommendation to ban large gatherings and the advice on social-distancing measures , it is with great sadness that we announce the OFPANZ Executive have made the decision to postpone the 2020 OFPANZ Conference.  The new date has been set to 24-26 June 2021. 


The health and safety of our exhibitors, attendees and staff is a priority for OFPANZ, as is delivering a successful industry event. We will keep you updated as we make progress in future plans.


In response to this change of plan, OFPANZ is working on hosting a one-day event in a location to be determined later in the year where the AGM and the 2020 Awards for Excellence Dinner will continue to take place.


With this, the entry date for the Awards for Excellence will be extended to 8th May 2020. Awards can still be entered by going to https://advancedtextiles.co.nz/events/annual-conference/awards-for-excellence/enter/


A virtual AGM and Awards for Excellence announcement will be considered for the event should Covid-19 still have an impact on our society. Further details on the Awards for Excellence and the AGM will be provided when we have it.


In addition to the annual conference, we will also postpone our Autumn regional meetings and will be looking at other ways to be able to bring you industry knowledge this year. 


We will be monitoring updates and recommendations by Government and will keep members updated on future member events.