Matt’s Motortrimming

Project name: 1909 Vulcan
Material used: Dunlop Foams, Tasman NZ Leather
Materials Supplied By: Reid & Twiname Ltd

What did the client request?

This was a ground up restoration of an early 1900s vintage car that had been damaged in a fire in the 1930s. The customer had managed to source some old front seats for the car but the back half of the car had been rebuilt by the customer and he only had photos for us to use as a reference for the build. The customer had been working on the car and did most of the work himself over a 6 year period. He was very particular about what he wanted and it was clear from
the outset we needed to take time and focus on every detail.

What makes this project unique?

This project was challenging as we had very little to work with. The seats
were quite different to other vintage cars in that each pleat is tapered and
piped either side. This was a huge job but the result was amazing and the
customer was super happy. He has since recommended us to many others.