Kolorful Kanvas Ltd

Project name: Fisherman’s Wharf
Material used: Diamond 700 Translucent PVDF
Material Supplied By: Contender NZ Ltd

What did the client request?

Our client was wanting to refresh their covered outdoor area at their
restaurant, perfectly postioned overlooking the habour in the idyllic working
port of Lyttleton. They wanted something that was more streamlined and
looked like it was incorporated into the building and it needed to withstand
the prevailing winds off the harbour. A request from our client was that it had
no external poles as per the existing one. Our frame needed to support the
existing glass surround and nothing was square.

What makes the project unique?

With nothing being square and lots of little angles to work with it proved
challenging, we also needed to work in with the existing glass surround. The
ground around us was also uneven, so much care was required when it came
to installation. Our frame needed to support the existing glass surround and
nothing was square. Due to the size of the canopy frame, it was made in
house at our factory as a kitset and then transported to site. Once onsite the
frame was erected in pieces and then covered, this was done all done over
2-3 days. Making the frame up as a kit set in house and then installing onsite
meant initial measurements needed to be exact.