Douglas Outdoor & Textile Innovation

Project name: Bright & Bold
Material used: Valmex FR 580 – Flame Red
Materials Supplied by: Rainbow Shade Products NZ

What did the client request?

Our customer wanted weather protection for their customer entryway on
a busy main road. The location sits alongside several other businesses at
a busy roundabout and as a consequence could be easily missed amongst
other signage.

What makes this project unique?

This simple but elegant solution worked perfectly and gave the business
frontage a much needed facelift. It is now the main thing customers look for
instead of their regular signage. It is also a perfect use of outdoor textiles
and highlights the power of quality outdoor textiles. The bright and shiny
fabric was unforgiving of any less than perfect execution in fabrication. For
our apprentice, the careful work was well worth it when she saw the finished
installation and received such positive feedback from the client.