The client had requested that the rear clear curtain must be fully removable, either in sections, or as a whole. Passengers would be using the stern to embark and disembark, so the rear clear curtain would be constantly zipped and unzipped. Therefore, the deck enclosure was designed in a way that the rigidity of the side curtains did not rely on tension from the rear curtain. In addition, all of the clear blinds need to be fastened to the hull in a way that was quick and easy to unfasten when rolling the blinds up during good weather, yet could still fasten in a way that held the blinds taut and tidy.
We were asked to make two sets of everything - two full sets of clear blinds, seat covers and floor coverings. Because the boat was a custom-built vessel to be used as a Water Taxi in the Pacific Islands, it would not be viable to bring the boat back to New Zealand for repairs. Every seat cover and clear blind had a duplicate made at the same time, so that in the case of damage or wear and tear, the operator can perform running repairs to keep the Taxi in operation. The floor coverings were designed to be removable to allow ease of cleaning, and again, in the case of damage, could be removed and replaced with the spare.