Cool Awnings
Project name: GSL Newmarket Train Station
Material used: Atmosphere 1% Black
Fabric Supplied by: Shann NZ Ltd
Components Supplied by: Reid & Twiname Ltd
Project name: GSL Newmarket Train Station
Material used: Atmosphere 1% Black
Fabric Supplied by: Shann NZ Ltd
Components Supplied by: Reid & Twiname Ltd
What did the client request?
The ticket office within the busy train station was getting blasted by the mid to late afternoon sun. It was directly in their eyes while they were trying to serve customers and they were very uncomfortable. Auckland Transport contacted their glass contractor who were unable to directly provide a solution, and they approached us for options. We were able to provide them with a solution to block the worst of the glare.
What is unique or complex about the project?
Installation had to be after 7pm and before 5am.
The curtains were to be mounted 6m high, over the first floor glass. The thick existing glass panels were mounted into aluminum frames that were not attached at the top, only left and right, leaving a gap for us to try a new option for mounting – channels! We manufactured a channel to fit over the customer’s mullion, and onto this channel we had pre-installed the curtain to enable quicker installation. The curtains were motorized, situated on the inside of the windows and they were very heavy. We could not get a scissor lift high enough to mount from the inside, due to the suspended ceilings, the installers had to install them from the outside, and over the top of the mullion off of platform ladders. Our biggest concern was that they would drop the units over the top and onto the floor 6m below, so we had a support team working on the inside, and they were also responsible for doing the bottom fixings.
Access to the outside was via an extension ladder through a small “hatch” which measured approximately 600 x 1000mm, to a narrow ledge. In one direction was the glass wall and the other was a glass awning, and the ledge was only wide enough for the ladder. We had to pass the ladders and awnings up to the boys working in the area in backwards order, as there was no room to maneuver.
What were the results of the project?
The tight 1% weave PVC mesh blocked the worst of the glare and the ticket agents were once again comfortable in their work and the glass company were able to keep a big customer happy.
Is there any other relevant information?
To ensure we were doing everything to comply with Auckland Transport’s health and safety regulations a management representative was present during the first few hours of installation. No pressure!