W Wiggins Moves to Highbrook

W Wiggins is embarking on the next exciting milestone in their long history, with the North Island branch moving slightly more central to Highbrook, Auckland.
After 20+ years of being based in Manukau, Auckland and Wiggins have changed and grown a lot. This led to Wiggins needing to move and change the business and product range to best service the industry, while also looking to help a broader range of customers and industries.

Wiggins is in a period of change to keep pace in challenging times, after successful tests, they have found more efficient ways to handle and store products and are investing in offering more services to their customers. Their new location in Highbrook will future-proof the company and will be purposely built to further improve their capabilities and build efficiencies, while also being a great environment for their team. Being more central will be convenient for more customers and staff, which is important for Auckland’s gridlocked roads. Closer to local freight carriers will also allow for more frequent collections and extended hours, driving better freight services.

Wiggins CEO, Patrick Albertson Shared. “At Wiggins, we are excited about our upcoming new building and the opportunities it will provide us to modernize our warehousing operations and enhance the distribution of our textiles across New Zealand. The central location of the new building will offer improved access to our delivery partners, allowing for more efficient and effective distribution processes.“

W Wiggins Highbrook 2025