• 11 Dec 2024

Member Spotlight – The Mad Marine Hatter

Nathan Van Wollingen, owner of Sunset Coast Marine Trimming, has been running his business for nearly three years. Before venturing out on his own, Nathan spent 10 years managing the marine division of another trimming business and five years at Chivers Marine, where he first fell in love with the craft.

Today, Nathan operates as a one-man band in the workshop, supported by an incredible staff member he credits as the glue holding it all together. “Without them, the business just wouldn’t work,” he jokes. While some might find being solo in the workshop daunting, Nathan thrives on the freedom and creativity it offers, saying he wouldn’t have it any other way.

From Childcare to Trimming
Before his marine trimming career, Nathan worked in childcare as a carer. While he enjoyed the role, he realized it wasn’t his forever job. Searching for a career that would both pay the bills and keep him passionate, Nathan explored options aligned with his love of cars. After MITA testing suggested mechanics might bore him, he enrolled in a motor trimming course at TAFE to fix up his car and make it look cool.

Nathan quickly discovered he had a knack for trimming, impressing seasoned professionals with his natural skill. Though he knew nothing about boats at the time, he landed a job at Chivers Marine, where he honed his craft and found his calling in marine trimming.

The Leap to Business Ownership
After years of managing a marine trimming division, Nathan took the leap to start his own business. Encouraged by clients and driven by a desire for a better professional environment, he launched Sunset Coast Marine Trimming. Nathan quickly realized that his niche skills allowed him to charge premium rates and attract consistent referrals.

“I realized most trimmers don’t value themselves,” Nathan says. “I try to encourage anyone who needs it to know their worth.”

Adding Fun to the Craft
Nathan doesn’t take himself too seriously, as evident in his Instagram antics. His posts highlight awards for “Employee of the Month” and “Employer of the Year,” complete with trophies, and he celebrates fun holidays like International Buy Your Trimmer a Six-Pack Day on December 1. “It hasn’t got much traction yet,” he admits, “but we need more people posting about it—for trimmers everywhere.”

Another unique aspect of Nathan’s life is his incredible marine hat collection. With 1,278 hats displayed and another 200 waiting to go up, he averages five new hats a week. Collecting hats is more than a hobby—it’s part of his personality and something he dreams of expanding when he meets new people in the marine industry.

Advice for New Trimmers
Nathan’s advice for those entering the industry is simple but powerful: “Know your worth. What we do is incredible. It may seem easy or basic, but clients can’t do it themselves. In fact, most people can’t.”

When you meet Nathan, it’s clear he knows how to enjoy life. Whether he’s networking with like-minded professionals, perfecting his craft, or growing his hat collection, Nathan is a shining example of how passion and personality can elevate a career.

Be sure to check out Nathan’s Instagram accounts @sunset_coast_marine_trimming and @mad_marine_hatter for a closer look at his award-winning work and unique approach to life!