• 14 Jun 2024

2024 Conference and Trade Show

We have got a fantastic Lineup of speakers coming to the trade show this week.

Wednesday 19th June
Kevin Biggar – From Couch Potato to winner of the 5,000km Trans Atlantic Rowing Race, Kevin will share with us what he has learned from rowing across an ocean to trekking to a pole.

Thursday 20th June
Dr Terri-Ann Berry (MSc, PhD, CChem, CEnv, FRSC) is Co-Director of the Environmental Innovation Centre and Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering in the School of Future Environments at Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. She is an environmental engineer with significant expertise in environmental chemistry and the management of sensitive environments. Her key research interests include sustainable waste management for a variety of sectors, including Construction and Demolition, Aged care and Fashion industries. ATA NZ have contracted EIC to do a waste minimisation study. Terri Ann is here to share some results and give us ways that we can work together as an industry to minimise our environmental impact.

Peter Cox, Simply Lean
Peter has a wealth of experience in senior management roles at Toyota New Zealand including Engineering, Production, Quality, Training, Human Resources and Business Development. He has also worked as Senior Group Leader for Toyota Motor Manufacturing UK, Production Manager for Electrolux New Zealand, Arthur Ellis and Dynamic Controls. Developing his knowledge and understanding of Lean Thinking (the Toyota Production System) began nearly 40 years ago at Toyota, taking him to Toyota Motor Corporation in Japan to see and understand the philosophies in practice.  He has an extensive record of success in implementing Lean Thinking into a diverse range of industries in New Zealand and Australia.

Shaun Irvin, EC Credit Control
Last year ATA NZ Members wanted to look at a way to have streamlined Terms of Trade. After meeting with a few members it became apparent that we needed to call in the big guns. Shaun will share with you some scenarios that you might have found yourself in. He will get you thinking about your internal processes.

Friday 21st June
Paul Gibson, Coastal Coverings
Paul is the owner of Coastal Coverings, an upholstery and trimming business located in Cairns in Far North Queensland.
After completing his trade certificate in 1998, Paul continued working in the trade and opened Coastal Coverings in 2008.  Adapting is the key.  Continuously refining skills, using new techniques, and trialling new products.
The implementation and advancements in new technologies has given Paul and his team of skilled craftsmen the ability to provide their clients both locally and internationally with custom made covers. Creating something from concept, through the design process, to the finished product is extremely rewarding.  Anything is possible. Paul will be presenting at at the fabricator workshop. There’s still space if you want to come along.